Have it easy

What does have it so easy mean?

(idiomatic, intransitive) To have favourable conditions for an easy life. Kids have it so easy nowadays.

Who has it easier meaning?

This phrase means that someone has an easy life, doesn't have to work hard, doesn't have to suffer, and so on. Older people often say this about younger people who have an easier life than they remember having: You kids have it easy!

What does easy it mean?

Definition of easy does it —used to tell someone to move slowly and carefully Easy does it! We don't want anyone to get hurt.

What does it mean to go easy?

Definition of go easy on 1 : to treat (someone) in a way that is not harsh or demanding The students might respond better if the teacher went (a little) easy on them. 2 : to use less of (something) My doctor said to go easy on fatty foods.

Is easy a synonym or antonym?

Frequently Asked Questions About easy Some common synonyms of easy are effortless, facile, light, simple, and smooth. While all these words mean "not demanding effort or involving difficulty," easy is applicable either to persons or things imposing tasks or to activity required by such tasks.

Is it more easy or easier?

The comparative form of easy is easier and the superlative easiest. When a suffix is used, we never add more or most. Longer adjectives don't usually have those suffixes. Instead, we use the words more and most for comparative and superlative, respectively.

What’s a better word for easy?

Some common synonyms of easy are effortless, facile, light, simple, and smooth.

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