So far so long meaning

What does it mean to say so far?

phrase. If you tell or ask someone what has happened so far, you are telling or asking them what has happened up until the present point in a situation or story, and often implying that something different might happen later. It's been quiet so far.

Can I say so far so good?

Definition of so far, so good —used to say that something (such as a project or an activity) has proceeded well or without problems up to the present "How's the work on your house going?" "There's a lot more to do, but so far, so good."

How do you use so far so good?

Example sentences "So far, so good." — "Do you like being a lawyer?" "It's a lot of work but so far, so good." — It's been so far, so good with the babysitter and I hope it stays that way. — "How is everything with your new job?" "So far, so good.

What is the meaning of the word so long?

So long, an expression of farewell, is a colloquialism that we take for granted as being a logical construction. … Some believe the phrase to be adapted from another language. One suggestion is that so long is from the Irish good-bye slán, which is not an unreasonable theory, but does have a few gaps.

Is so far so good rude?

"So far, so good" has a neutral connotation.

How do you reply so far so good?

It's just a greeting. And the usual response is “Good” whether you are actually good or not. If you have a relationship with someone, at least to know that they would appreciate some humor, then it can be appropriate to answer “How are you?” with “so far so good”.

Is so far so good informal?

Yes, you can answer with “so far so good”, but it doesn't communicate the same as simply saying “Good”. It's informal and is often a little humorous.

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